Referral Oct 2012 |
Learning the "art of patience" is not something that has ever come naturally to me. In fact, it will never be an "art" for me. Instead, patience for me is solely an act of faith and dependent on my trust in Jesus.
"Faith is what makes real the things we hope for. It is proof of what we cannot see." (Hebrews 11:1).

Waiting for God's timing throughout our adoption journey has been our greatest challenge; yet, also, our greatest comfort. In the
Jesus Calling entry for today, Sarah Young writes the following as though Jesus himself were speaking, "If you want to work with Me, you have to accept my time frame. Hurry is not in my nature." These words ring true, especially in our adoption story. As much as we may have wanted to hurry things along, our journey has been the opposite of "hurried." Nothing turns over too quickly in the process of an adoption, but we have accepted God's time frame knowing that His plan is perfect...not ours.

While "hurry" may not be in God's nature, it
is in His nature to bring glad tidings of great joy... In this wonderful season of rejoicing over the birth of the Christ child, we also rejoice over news that God has given movement to our adoption... there is a light shining and a great hope that we will bring Jordan home in the first months following the new year. We don't have a date, but we hold on to our hope and keep our faith while we wait for the unseen processes to occur and allow our son to come home... it may not be in a hurry but it is sooner now than ever!
May 2013 |
June 2013 |
August 2013 |
July 2013 |
We rejoice in the Lord, always. We are humbled and awed and are ever grateful for the love and support of our friends, our family and the strangers who journey with us in this walk of patience and faith.
September 2013 |
Please continue your prayers as we pray Jordan home... He is coming! Praise God from whom all blessings flow.
October 2013 |
November 2013 |