We are in the first stage of the Haitian adoption process. We expect to be here for the next 4-8 months depending on how things in Haiti are moving along. Our prayer is that the wait will be shorter...of course. Following this stage there are several more steps within the Haitian process. Our understanding is that it will be at least a year until Jordany gets to come home to his forever home.
We will travel to Haiti at least once before we get to bring him home. There are papers to file and court to attend. More than likely we will meet his mother. She is still living as far as anyone knows. There is no known father on Jordany's birth certificate. So, he will remain a mystery.
Jordany's biological mom brought him to the orphanage so that he would be adopted by a family who could care for him. I cannot imagine how she had the strength to give him up, but I know that she must love him very much to want him to have what she felt she could not give him. I would love to tell her how blessed we are to have the opportunity to be Jordany's family. Perhaps we will get to meet her and thank her in person.
If you would like to come alongside us in the adoption process, we would be blessed to have your prayerful support. We also would like to extend the opportunity to participate with us through financial donations. We believe that God's command to "care for the orphan"(James 1:27) and "speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves"(Prov. 31:8) can be followed in many different ways...some are called to adopt, some are called to help others adopt, some are called to go and care for the orphans. We are all called to pray. Thank you for praying.
Thank you for sharing this! I am so excited for you and your family! I will most definitely pray for God's clarity and peace during this journey. And, I couldn't think of a sweeter family to be a part of!