"Dear Mr. & Mrs. Donahue...
we are pleased to inform you that
Jordany Donahue may be scheduled for
the final visa interview..."
The final one. What does this mean? We are closer today than we have ever been...our baby boy will be home soon, very soon. How can we possibly express the emotions running through our hearts and heads?!
The formal adoption process, the paperwork, the delays, the waiting, the unknown timeframe... all of it is almost done...it really, really is...almost done! How can it be?! Something so long-awaited is about to come to fruition...something only God Himself could orchestrate to its fullness and bring about this most dramatic turning of the page...
God is the Change Agent, the Difference Maker...
The only one who can fill my empty cup until it runneth over, the only one who can remind me that He means it all for good...
In every season, in every stage, there would be no difference, no challenge to our faith, no change in our life...
"but God"
I am overwhelmed by the process...
but God makes all things possible
I am weak from waiting...
but God is my refuge & strength
I am depleted and have no answers...
but God gave the increase
I have so little faith...
but God is faithful
I am insufficient...
but God is my sufficiency
I am weary and heavy laden...
but God is the strength of my heart & my portion forever
I can't wait any longer...
but God is full of compassion, long-suffering & filled with mercy
It is God alone who turns our heads and our hearts from the impossible to the possible. There is no good thing that does not fully emanate from the hands of our Maker. How Great is Our God...from everlasting to everlasting, He is faithful.
God's skillful hands weave a tapestry unlike any I could ever imagine. Every stitch is divinely intertwined. Every knot is made beautiful. Every cord is richly hued. Every tear is patched and tightly woven. Every inch of every fiber is filled with mercy and grace, and the blanket over us is love...His love.
So...what does all this mean?
It means that...
no part of this journey could have been possible without God and...
Our hope, God-willing, is to take our family of SIX to Haiti and
come home as a family of
If you're here, reading this, you are part of our journey. We are blessed by you. Thank you for being the hands and feet of Jesus and for rejoicing with us as we anticipate bringing our son home.
Called us
Sent His own son to die for us
Claimed us as His own
Adopted us as His sons and daughters
He is the great Change Maker... He alone is the difference!
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