Spring Break March 2015 |
It's been a while since there's been an update on our adoption... Needless to say, we've been a little busy! We celebrated Jordany's one year homecoming on April 7, 2015. In some ways the year just flew by, but as I think over it, so much happened in those 365 days of finally having him home.
Coming Home April 2014 |
One thing I've learned is that I hardly knew anything about adoption until Jordany became a permanent part of our family. It's not that I didn't study, go to seminars, talk to people, read books...it's that it's just not the same as having your child with you...in living color, in real life! Occasionally, we get told, "Well, you knew what you were getting into." Haha...that's like telling a first time pregnant woman that she should know how to be a mom while she's carrying her baby in her tummy...It's just different when the child is "birthed". Books help, seminars help, friends who know help the most...but at the end of the day, you have to learn how to parent yourself. You have to know yourself and get to know your child...and in the learning comes the only true way to gain experience.
Official U.S. Citizen! April 2014 |
There is plenty that is misunderstood about bringing a child home (adopted or not). Often I was asked by well-meaning, loving people, "Are you just in heaven?" Well, ummm, my response was usually, "We are so happy to have Jordany home, but truthfully, I'm tired to the bone." (don't feel bad if you asked me that! It's a normal question...and part of it was heaven for sure)...but... Guess how long it takes you to get to know your child? All your child's life, and we missed the first 4 years of Jordany's which meant we had a lot of catching up to do and so did he!
"There's a snake in my boot" October 2014 |
At some point, I think I will expound on some of our experiences but not now. We suffered through many traumas, blank stares, exhausting tantrums (mine and his!), heaves and sobs and even a few hits and bites...yup...once I got bit on the head. What's a mom to do? This mom fell apart in heaps of tears and cried in my closet. It's real life. Jordany had to adjust too, and we have all come a million miles away from those first few months.
Christmas 2014 |
It's still hard, I'm a 45 year old mom of a 5 year old. I'm not as spunky as I was when I was 27 and a mom of 4 children 4 and under! Ha! I was pretty tired then too. Parenting is hard, but it's also a tremendous blessing, and our family has experienced an almost unexplainable gift through Jordany...one that we could have never imagined or hoped for except through adoption. It's pretty mind blowing...and that's a good thing. (God's adoption of me as His own has a completely different feel and understanding now...He choose me? Me? This mom? Yep...and He choose you too...that's what He does. He adopts us and claims us as his own!)
Aside from the major adjustments and just learning to live life as a family of 7, Jordany is thriving...I mean THRIVING. He grew 5 inches in one year! He's full of life and joy. His smile stretches from ear to ear. He ABSOLUTELY LOVES BEING PART OF A FAMILY! I can only attribute that to God...the miracle worker.
Sweet CeCe's Yogurt August 2014 |
Visiting Baker at UT September 2014 |
Jordany is so proud of his siblings. He plays with all of them and can hardly differentiate between friends who are 5, 15, 25 or 75. He has just molded his little self right into the sibling group and right into our whole family...grandparents, aunts, uncles, friends. Having brothers and sisters is Jordany's pride and joy. Baker, Brennan, Cara and Eliza hung the moon in his eyes.
May 2014 |
Jordany also loves having a mom and a papa. Some days he and I will be walking from one room to the other, and he will lift his little arm up and around my waist and say, "You're my mom," and I'll say right back, "You're my son." And then we sing..."So Happy Together."! He tells me he loves me and showers all of us with kisses. He often grabs any and all of us who are home and calls for a "family hug." How can we resist? We all wrap our arms around each other and hug! Bath time means a great big run and jump into papa's arms. Before a bath, Jordany finds a place at the end of the hall and runs full force into our room and papa reaches out and catches him. He giggles and giggles...his laugh is contagious.
We have so much to be thankful for. I have many stories to share...the good, the bad, the ugly. I don't really give advice, but I can often suggest what NOT to do :-) Jordany is a true gift. Adoption is a gift.
Emerald Coast March 2015 |
If you're here reading this, more than likely, you contributed in some way to our bringing our son home. Thank you. Home is sweet, and as Jordany says when we pass our home..."family home"...Yes. It is. Our family is home and our home is family.
God is a miracle worker...love reading how he is thriving!