Today marks the 2 year anniversary of Jordany's homecoming! I can hardly believe it's been two years already. It seemed as though we waited a lifetime to bring him home, and now time is just flying by. He's thriving in kindergarten, developing sweet friendships and growing by leaps and bounds (is it possible he could grow an inch a week?!). He's a non-stop ball of energy. He never stops asking questions. He plays hard and sleeps well.
I don't think I could have ever imagined what a joy Jordany would be as my child. He is light and love and JOY JOY JOY! Don't get me wrong. He has his moments. Don't we all? Jordany has something special though, and the life of our family is forever changed for the better because of his presence.
He loves his siblings, his papa...everyone. When Baker comes home from college, Jordany yells, "BAKER!" and goes running to jump in his arms. He goes on super adventures with Brennan and his girlfriend, Chelsea. When Cara gets home in the afternoons, he hides from her and then pops out to surprise her. He plays with Eliza whenever he can. They'll get down on the floor and do puzzles together or work on homework at the same time. Jordany adores his "Papa". He's all smiles when Papa walks in the door in the evenings. Truly, in the revolving door of our home, there's not a person who comes in that Jordany won't try to play with...Size and age are insignificant to him.
Jordany turned 6 on March 26. So, his birthday and homecoming are close together, and it's a wonderful time of celebration. This year we did a true American birthday party... Chuck E. Cheese's! Are you jealous?! Oh, my! I can't remember the last time I was in Chuck E. Cheese's. It's not for the faint of heart, but it's a perfect place for a little boy turning 6. I can't even convey the amount of joy that was on his face with his friends seated at the table eating pizza, Chuck E. dancing around the room, and tickets, tickets, tickets flying everywhere... Remember the tickets? You have them counted in the machine that goes "chomp, chomp, chomp" and gives you a receipt to take to the counter to get a prize. You have to get 10 million to get a stick of gum! Jordany got the "ticket-hookup", though. He won the coveted Golden Ticket worth 1000 tickets, and all of us adults gave him our tickets too. I think Chelsea hit the jack pot and won 1000 in one game! He ended up with about 2500 and a pretty darn good prize!
The past two years have been marked with special moments, hard times and lots of learning and growing... on all of our parts. Sometimes it's challenging to have "started over" with another child, but the challenge is so worth it. This child, every child, is created to be part of a family. Every child needs a home. Jordany thrives in family life. I am humbled that God allowed us this opportunity to bring Jordany home. He belongs here. God created the path and set the plan in motion. He's now weaving the threads of a beautiful child into the tapestry of our family. It is good. It is hard. It is life-changing. It is AMAZING.

There is, of course, so much to tell, so much that goes on every minute of every day. I can't share it all in a blog, but I want you to know about Jordany and his kindness and joy. I've told you before that he often wraps one arm across my back and says, "Happy Together." Those words thrill me. He sometimes gets up from the table and walks around to each one of us and gives us a kiss. At bedtime he gets the pillow and fluffs it up for me before we begin to read and pray. He sometimes wants Papa to tickle him a little, and when he does, Jordany's giggles fill the house and are infectious. You can't help but smile. Jordany picked flowers for me the other day (they were Dandelions...but hey! it's the thought that counts, right?!), held them behind his back and surprised me with them. He was so happy to be giving.
One of my favorite, new-to-the-mix, things he does is come up to me, Don or one of the kids with a smile on his face and arms outstretched and says, "Hey. Com'on. Gimme a hug!" How can I resist? How can anyone resist? Sometimes those hugs end with a kiss on the top of my head and a tender hand rubbing my back. His hugs are authentic. No side hugs. No wimpy arms wrapped around your neck or waist. No quick pat on the back. Tight squeezes... so tight that you can feel his joy move into your own body... there are no words to describe the feeling... Those hugs say it all!
So... we celebrate good times with Jordany, with you. Thank you for continuing on this journey with us. You are a significant part of our story and Jordany's life. We are forever grateful.
(P.S. Jordany reminds me of a perfect example of what it means to pay it forward to someone. His unexpected hugs are intentional with no expectations...just pure kindness. I think we all could use a little kindness in our lives. In case you didn't know, Pay It Forward Day is April 28. My friend and teammate Coach Dar is the US Ambassador for Pay It Forward Day. This year is the 10 year anniversary, and the goal is to achieve 10 million acts of kindness from the 78 countries that are involved. Jump on board. Help get the word out. Hug like Jordany hugs! You know what it's like to be the recipient of a kind the giver too. The Lord knows, we need more kindness in this world. We have enough of the other.)