In the mornings, Jordany comes downstairs, thrusts his arms in the air and yells "KINDERGARTEN!" He can't wait to get there every day. He rode the bus the very first day and has been a champ riding it ever since then. The first few days that he rode the bus, he waved to me from the window, gave me a wink and then a thumbs up! He really takes a big bite of life and uses it for all its worth...that wink of his has to be one of my favorite things he does...sometimes he winks and clicks his tongue....wink, click, wink, click... ;-)
One thing Jordany was excited about was getting homework. Well, it didn't take long. The children have started to bring books home to read in the evening...oh, man! I forgot about's been a while. Jordany's books are very short and only one to three words a page. He's a little behind compared to his peers, but he's doing well and is really smart. He's considered an English Language Learner and has an ELL teacher to help him fill in the gaps of his speaking, learning and reading. Although he speaks English really well, there are still lots of concepts and sound combinations for him to have clarified for him and for him learn. We are really grateful to have an ELL teacher to help him.
So most everything Jordany does involves some kind of play! His favorite part of kindergarten is, of course, lunch and recess. Haha! Kids just love those two activities... I don't blame them. So do I! Jordany continues to thrive, and he's growing taller by the second. We may have a 6' foot Donahue after all!
Even with all of this fun, we certainly have our moments. Jordany can easily melt down...a simple "no" to a request can have him shouting, "I'm so angry" and crying like he'd broken his arm. This is really hard to deal with...there's part of it where there needs to be grace. It's not a typical 5 year old least it wasn't at first. We have to remember that "no" to him could mean "never." Sometimes, I just wrap him up in my arms and let him cry it out but still hold my ground. Recently, we've moved to doing "time in" where Jordany goes to his room to cry it out or work it out and I sit in the hallway. Doing this helps him to know that he's not being abandoned. He needs a safe place to work out his frustration, but he doesn't need to feel left. There are so many things I'm learning through adoption...some of which are counterintuitive, but the concepts have come through study and help from friends.
I have a feeling that Jordany is going to continue to thrive and love kindergarten, soccer and everything he does. He knows most every name in his class and on his soccer team, has a little crush on the girl he sits next to and prays for her every night and can't wait to get up and get dressed to go anywhere. If anything, Jordany is a go-getter. He loves being alive. His smile is testimony to that. I'm overwhelmingly grateful to be his mom, and, guess what?!
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