Called By Name

Called By Name

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Update on the Wait

So many of you have kindly been inquiring about our adoption process. The fact that folks are asking warms my heart because it is a reminder that you are interested and haven't forgotten about us :)

The fact that we have been waiting for our referral (to be matched with a child) since February has been difficult. At times it seems as though we aren't even adopting. It's hard to put the picture together without knowing who our child is.

Even though waiting is hard. It is an ever-present part of each step in the process. Everyone's story is different and everyone's degree of waiting is different...nonetheless, waiting is inevitable.

We are comforted to know that God hasn't forgotten us. He is orchestrating His plan in His timing. We are confident that He is working through the right people at the right time to bring the right child to our family...a New Donahue!

Please continue to pray for us and for all the many families who are adopting and waiting, waiting, waiting and for all the precious children who are waiting to go home forever...Undoubtedly, the wait will be worth it for all of us!