Called By Name

Called By Name

Monday, October 29, 2012

Here we go...

We are in the first stage of the Haitian adoption process. We expect to be here for the next 4-8 months depending on how things in Haiti are moving along. Our prayer is that the wait will be shorter...of course. Following this stage there are several more steps within the Haitian process. Our understanding is that it will be at least a year until Jordany gets to come home to his forever home.

We will travel to Haiti at least once before we get to bring him home. There are papers to file and court to attend. More than likely we will meet his mother. She is still living as far as anyone knows. There is no known father on Jordany's birth certificate. So, he will remain a mystery.

Jordany's biological mom brought him to the orphanage so that he would be adopted by a family who could care for him. I cannot imagine how she had the strength to give him up, but I know that she must love him very much to want him to have what she felt she could not give him. I would love to tell her how blessed we are to have the opportunity to be Jordany's family. Perhaps we will get to meet her and thank her in person.

If you would like to come alongside us in the adoption process, we would be blessed to have your prayerful support. We also would like to extend the opportunity to participate with us through financial donations. We believe that God's command to "care for the orphan"(James 1:27) and "speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves"(Prov. 31:8) can be followed in many different ways...some are called to adopt, some are called to help others adopt, some are called to go and care for the orphans. We are all called to pray. Thank you for praying.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

God Speed...

Because of the help and prayers of many, our paperwork has officially entered the adoption department of the Haitian government! We are so grateful for God's hand in every step of our journey.

I love looking at the pictures of Jordany...his eyes, his smile, his face. I often trace his photos with my finger, praying for every part of him. It's strange to know that we have a child thousands of miles away that we have yet to scoop up in our arms, hug, kiss and assure him of his place in our heart and in our home. Jordany doesn't know us; yet, I pray that he senses us...that God has given him a peace that lets him know that we are coming to get him.

The most difficult part of adoption is waiting. "Waiting" is a rampant theme throughout the whole process. The completion of all the legalities, paperwork, court appearances, loom in front of us keeping us aware that we still have much waiting yet to do. I'm beginning to think that my prayer for patience is being taken way too seriously :-) I feel sufficiently tested and think I will pray for light speed...for us, for all of the adopting families and especially for the little ones who wait and do not understand.

Our God opened His mouth and created the heavens and the earth. His lips spoke "light", and there was light. His breath breathed the stars, and the universe was filled. His hands formed the most intricate of living beings from a handful of dust. Were His praises not sung by men and women, we would hear the rocks cry out His name, the winds clap hallelujahs and the hills shout out His glory.

It's true that we have up to another year and a half before we can bring Jordany home,  but our God is a God of deliverance. He parted the seas, gave sight to the blind, raised men and women from the dead. His mercies never come to an end. Our prayer is that God will move heaven and earth and bring our baby boy home sooner rather than later.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Heart's Desire...

It is with great joy in my heart and praise on my lips that I am able to share with you that God has granted me the desires of my heart and the hearts of my family. Why has He been so gracious? Not because of anything I have done, not because of anything that I have said...but only because of His great love and goodness and because He is God.

I am greatly humbled to say that our Donahue Crew has grown in number by one and is full to overflowing with thanksgiving and praise to the only wise God. He never leaves or forsakes. His mercies never come to an end. God's plan is ever perfect and always so much better than my own!

Introducing Jordany...our baby boy!

We are ever humbled by the many of you who are walking this road with us and sharing in the journey. Thank you for your prayers and for lifting us up to the Father. Thank you for helping to pray Jordany into our lives. Help us pray him home. We still need you! Our journey has just begun.

"Precious Jordany, the Lord God has ransomed you. He has called you by name, and you are His."(paraphrase Isaiah 43:1). By His grace and goodness we call you son. We long to know you and bring you home.

"All glory to God who kept us from falling and has seen fit to bring us into His glorious presence...Not because of anything we have done...
All glory be to God alone and our Saviour Jesus Christ. All glory, majesty, power and authority are His before all time, right now and forever. Amen!" (paraphrase Jude1:24-25)