Called By Name

Called By Name

Friday, February 10, 2012

The Tie that Binds

Our dossier arrived safely in Haiti on February 2, 2012 via FedEx! Smith, from New Life Link, has assured us that they have our dossier and that someone is working on a referral for us.

A referral means that they will send us an email "referring" a child to us for adoption. So, the "referral" is actually the child you are adopting. The wait for a referral might be 30 days...could be less.

In Haiti, prospective adoptive parents receive their referral early in the process as opposed to other countries like China where the referral comes shortly prior to the couple traveling to get the child. I'm sure there are pros and cons to doing it on the early side or on the later side. Either way, it is exciting.

We can hardly wait to see who God has chosen to be the New Donahue. We are resting in God's plan and standing confident in His ability...we are human, though :) and have our anxious moments. "Waiting" is a recurring theme of adoption. I know from the stories of others that there will be major tests of patience.

Each adoptive story is different and unique, though. Sometimes, I take on someone else's story and think that mine will be the same. I'm always reminding myself that our story will be ours. Our struggles will be different than those of others...yet, in those differences, there is a commonality...each of us is adopting, and we are not walking alone.

Being surrounded by friends and family who encourage us and pray for us, is critical to our journey. The greatest comfort of all is being loved by you and by our God. Love is, after all, the tie that binds!

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